Take Jesus to the People where they are, in their own language
What is the "Jesus" film?
The JESUS Film Project distributes the film "JESUS," a two-hour docudrama about the life of Christ based on the Gospel of Luke. The film has been seen in every country of the world and translated into over a thousand and fifty languages since its initial release in 1979. Our goal is to reach every nation, tribe, people and tongue, helping them see and hear the story of Jesus in a language they can understand. So whether a person speaks Swahili, French, or a language whose name is extremely difficult for most to pronounce, he or she will encounter the life and message of Jesus in a language "of the heart."
AS FROM 2022 Grace2Africa no longer arrange vision trips for any church or group. We did that for the past 27 years. We move into a new season of ministry.
Currently Grace2Africa operates in partnership with the Jesus Film Project in South Africa. We make use of the Jesus Film Project’s material to reach our community in their heart language.